The past month has been a journey through New England to visit family and friends, with a few days here and there of solo time as I attempt to return to society. Must I? There were many laughs, some incredibly good food, a return to cycling roadways, and a bit of tourism here and there! While the weather felt more like summer most of the time, it was a gorgeous fall with trees just radiant in color. The photos will certainly tell the story better than I can in words. I've now begun my slow journey south, and at the moment I'm spending my last night in Quakertown, PA at a former large country estate. I love hosteling! Tomorrow, work beckons!
Sue Tyler
10/20/2016 11:37:52 pm
Loved the pics, but you gotta choose between lobster or pumpkin. You can't be both.
10/29/2016 06:20:29 pm
Sue ... I really can't decide! Perhaps I can be seasonal and now I have 2 more options to choose! j.
10/23/2016 11:25:58 am
So impressed with the range, variety, and food of your whirlwind visit through New England! You've captured the celebratory pluses of the autumn season. Great PA sites, though I thought that New England claimed wooden covered-bridges and foliage. Where's that Rochdale stream? Near Midland Trail?
10/29/2016 06:23:00 pm
A: Indeed PA was quite a fall spectacle and yes, many bridges --- a few years ago I rode the "covered bridge" ride starting in Lancaster, PA. If you turn right at the Clara Barton sign, you will see the stream in no time. I was biking by.
10/25/2016 10:38:27 am
When I view the beauty of our country through your lens I am reminded of how little time we take to appreciate our surroundings. We have driven past Clara Barton sign countless times and never ventured beyond the main road.
10/29/2016 06:25:18 pm
Forest Gump! That is funny! Agree with your comment on ignoring our nearby treasures. I've seen more of New England in the past 3 years than I did in the 34 years I lived there!
Donna B.
10/25/2016 05:53:21 pm
Rick & I love that we made your New England blog~ You made it out of Dodge just in time- the COLD has arrived & some flakes are in the air ❄️ It is awesome to see the beauty in own backyard.
10/29/2016 06:26:40 pm
HEY ... what gorgeous surroundings you have! Thank heaven we took many photos this visit. The cold? Yes, it's all yours. I continue pointing south in a few days :)
11/1/2016 06:00:41 pm
Love the Birthday Altar, by the way.
11/8/2016 04:04:58 pm
I've now had 4 of my 6 birthday celebrations already! That said, the altar only went up one more time (and not in its full glory).
11/2/2016 12:59:46 pm
Glad to see your Birthday Altar wasn't lost this year with your travels not allowing you to stay put too long. Wish I could have seen more of you.
11/8/2016 04:03:55 pm
Claudette, Thanks for visiting. I'm awaiting photos from the Furtados to update this entry which I expect will arrive by week's end. j.
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February 2025
AuthorCyclist, writer, teacher, avid reader, bike/ped advocate, nomad, pie lover Categories |